Confessions of a learning addict

I don’t like to be told what to do. And I like freedom of choice, thinking, doing, and making a real difference. Plus I like to create, build, and make things better. I don’t like to be forced to do things in someone else’s way. But I didn’t like to study; I didn’t like to spend time studying at school. I remember my mum getting upset because she wanted me to do more and some extra; she kind of pushed me to learn – funny coming from someone who is literally being paid for learning and never stopped doing it. But nobody likes to be forced. Do you agree? There...

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I am not a butterfly… I am HUMAN

Ever heard of a butterfly that transforms multiple times? Nope? Well, … meet me – a human version of that! I’m not your one-transformation-and-done kind of butterfly. I’m in the business of evolving, I am HUMAN… Short re-introduction for the new beginnings REBIRTH. 🌍 International Mash-up: My life’s a vibrant tapestry, a globe-trotter’s dream diary. Because, from my roots in Poland, seasoned with English culture, I then moved to my current life in Switzerland, with my French husband and our mini United Nations of three kids. Hence, our home is a...

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I broke up with myself

I broke up with myoldself My life took a turn back in 2020, when I decided to quit my corporate job and jump into our family start-up business weinvolve. At that time, I didn’t leave behind my love for technology. I didn’t know it, but in the back of my brain, I knew I wanted to go back to the engineering world. That was the only place I knew, that was my identity, fully anchored in me. 15 years of my life. In the past 4 years, I have become an entrepreneur. I re-engineered myself, learning all facets of the business. We tried so many things. Some were successful. We had a grand...

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When ‘Cheaper’ Costs More: The Hidden Tax of Time in Savings?

A Journey Beyond the Conventional: My Innovative Gym Experience Have you ever felt there is a better way of doing things just after a few minutes to come back into the old way because the new seemed too long, too expensive or just simply you didn’t understand it? Today I will share with you my “innovative gym experience”. It is not about the gym itself neither about promoting this kind of a gym but a deeper reflection on how we humans are wired, how we make decisions, what stop us and what “rich” people do differently. As a curious innovator, I like seeking new experiences, checking...

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Beyond Surface Change: Uncovering the Power of Successful Transformation

Have you ever wondered if there’s a faster and more effective way to bring about organizational and individual change? Why do we frequently discuss transformation, yet it seems like nothing substantial ever happens? If you’re seeking a quicker and deeper understanding of transformation, let’s delve into its true essence. The Mirage of Surface-Level Change: We’ve all been there – adopting a new strategy, new job title. Addressing the visible 5% without addressing the underlying beliefs and values the remaining 95%, these changes are temporary. Or rather...

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Unmasking Leadership Myths: Towards an Era of Irreplaceable Leaders that can navigate with ease

Why is it time for a new era in leadership? Have you ever felt a point of dissatisfaction despite seemingly flawless leadership models in place? Do your teams appear uninvolved and uninspired, despite your best attempts to cultivate leaders within? These silent signals call for a transformative approach, urging us to rethink and re-feel leadership’s core essence. In a world where leadership theories abound, yet employee fulfilment is scarce, it is high time we herald a leadership renaissance – a new dawn where every leader acknowledges and embraces their irreplaceable value. Ever...

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Navigating the Unknown – A Compass for Evolving Leaders

Part 1: Born Wise, Then Educated: Our Journey from Intuitive Wisdom to Conditioning The Illusion of knowing As infants, our world is dictated by intuition and curiosity. This innate wisdom is our guiding star. Yet, with time and social norms, structured learning often takes precedence. We’re taught to fit in molds, to pursue standardised paths: secure a job, climb the career ladder, start a family, buy a house. And that’s what I did, even though I was thinking about, maybe to start a business,… I quickly dismissed it… whatever, that was not in my way. So...

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One Magical Word Where Freedom Begins

“With” vs “For”. A tiny change in preposition that promises to radically shift your perspective on work, and in doing so, might just transform your entire life. Get ready for a journey to freedom. Embracing the Freedom Trap First things first: who among us doesn’t crave more freedom? Regardless of whether you are embedded in the corporate world or braving the wilds of entrepreneurship, that thirst for autonomy resonates with us all. We yearn to escape the cubicle confines, to carve our path, to wield the power to implement our ideas without endless bureaucratic...

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How Snowboarding can Train Your Autopilot for change and future proof? How Snowboarding can Train Your Autopilot for change and future proof? A few weeks ago, my family and I went on a ski holiday in the mountains. It was a beautiful day with great weather, and my two girls, aged nine and eleven wanted to learn snowboarding.  They had tried it a year or two ago, and it was kind of okay. But this year, it was much more challenging, and it was fascinating to see how they adapted to the new learning experience. My 3-year-old son, on the other hand, was skiing with little effort,...

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