
and thrive!

weinvolve is helping businesses to become more MEANINGFUL, SUSTAINABLE, and PROFITABLE through innovation and a totally new kind of consulting we called “crowdsulting”.

We provoke you to think differently, to take action tapping into collective intelligence. We work with the “do it together” business model and high-profit, “Me2We” strategy to re-think and future proof leaders & organisations.

We work with successful international corporate warriors who want to grow WITH their organisation, navigate in the uncertain world. We believe we can blend profit with purpose and trust and add value to human lives in the process. We involve your client, employees and stakeholders in driving the future together. We want to create a movement to redefine how we do business and make money.

Hi, I’m Wioletta Simonet. I always wanted to be a business doctor and make human thrive…


and thrive!

weinvolve is helping businesses to become more MEANINGFUL, SUSTAINABLE, and PROFITABLE through innovation and a totally new kind of consulting we called “crowdsulting”.

We believe we can blend profit with purpose and trust and add value to human lives in the process. We want to create a movement to redefine how we do business and make money.

Innovate to impact

Business as unusual. The only certainty you have as a professional or business leader is that change and disruption are daily circumstances. Everything we see in the world stems from the incredible power of the human brain, generating the change and all the opportunities we have around us.

Succeeding in a disrupted environment relies on your ability to connect, link different concepts, ideas and innovate. Creating something new is how you can thrive in a market where embracing change is a prerequisite for success.

Your colleagues and stakeholders are expecting it from you. You customers too. And if you don’t, they will simply look somewhere else. There is ample evidence out there to motivate you in this direction.

A Walter study indicates that Client experience and human-centered design will supplant price or product as a key brand differentiator.

Furthermore, organizations that focus on customer experience outperform other companies by as much as 211%.

This is where co-creating a unique customer experience will make all the difference to your bottom line.

Innovate to impact

Business as unusual. The only certainty you have is that change and disruption are here to stay. Everything we see in the world stems from the incredible power of the human brain, creating all the opportunities we have around us.

Succeeding in a disrupted environment relies on your ability to connect different concepts, ideas and innovate. Creating something new is how you can thrive in a market where embracing change is a prerequisite for success.

Your customers are expecting it from you. Your boss too. And if you don’t, they will simply find someone else.

“Client experience and human-centred design will supplant price or product as a key brand differentiator” – Walter study

Furthermore, organisations that focus on customer experience outperform other companies by as much as 211%.

This is where co-creating a unique customer experience will make all the difference to your bottom line.

Dare, Rewire and Design

Yes you are creative being and this is why you are here on this planet.
If you feel the pull for something deeper, a call not just for change, but for creation, the freedom of design, creation, and making impactful decisions.
Dare to step forward. Discover here new possibilities of an effortless change journey.

How it works

Weinvolve is a unique system blending proven approaches, taking you on a journey from pushing or selling your product and services outward into creating them inward, delivering more value and increasing profit.
We use accelerated learning from insight and delivery methods and create collaborative ecosystems to give you lasting results.
Often, you need to take decisions with imperfect information. You can substantially mitigate this risk by co-creating value with clients (your boss and family are also your clients) and inviting them into your world to foster trust and let them become your “sustomers” (sustainable customers).

How it works

Weinvolve is a unique system blending proven approaches, taking you on a journey from pushing or selling your product and services outward into creating them inward, delivering more value and increasing profit.
We use accelerated learning from insight and delivery methods and create collaborative ecosystems to give you lasting results.
Often, you need to make decisions with imperfect information. You can substantially mitigate this risk by co-creating value with clients and inviting them into your world to foster trust and let them become your “sustomers” (sustainable customers).

Everything we do is geared towards generating value in people’s lives and for the planet while increasing profits. 

We believe that business doesn’t have to be in competition with nature. In fact, the best business comes from the business of making the world a better place.

We are fascinated by human beings. What makes people tick, how and why we make decisions, and what we value the most.

We turn insights into meaningful offers that create life-changing experiences and help businesses to grow with their clients.

We believe that business doesn’t have to be in competition with nature. Everything we do is geared towards generating value in people’s lives and for the planet while increasing profits. 

We are fascinated by human beings. What makes people tick, and what we value the most. We turn insights into meaningful offers that create life-changing experiences and help businesses to grow with their clients.

The Me2We evidenced-based strategy combines elements of HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN, SOCIAL SCIENCES, DESIGN THINKING, NEUROSCIENCE, BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS, PSYCHOLOGY, and BUSINESS INNOVATION to provide a 100% proven framework to navigate the Business as Unusual new reality

Since most people operate from a place of MEthinking first about what they want and how they can get it, and selling ideas outward, we begin by looking at your core strengths and setting you up for success.

Then, through hands-on work on a real project, we move them beyond Me thinking to considering THEM. By thinking about who your customers are and what they want, we introduce you to a strategy where you become an integrated part of the customer ecosystem. We show you how to build trust and create innovative, sustainable products and services with which people fall in love.

Because you’re learning as you grow, often, you will need to make decisions with imperfect information. We teach you how to mitigate this risk and co-create value with your clients by inviting them into your world. Those clients who opt to take the journey with you become part of your US team and become your “sustomers” (sustainable customers).

WE – Finally, we build a mutually supportive ecosystem that consistently produces irresistible offers, and how to iterate for reliable results.

Me2We framework

Rooted in Human-centered Design, Social Sciences, Design-Thinking, Behavioral Economics, Psycology, and innovation, 100% proven framework to navigate the new reality.

With ME, we begin by looking at your core strengths and setting you up for success, selling your ideas outward.

Through hands-on work on a real project, we investigate THEM, who your stakeholders are and what they want. You become an integrated part of their ecosystem, building trust and creating innovative, sustainable products and services with which people fall in love.

Because we often need to make decisions with imperfect information, we teach you how to de-risk in co-creating value. Becoming part of the journey with you, that US team creates long term “sustomers” (sustainable customers).

WE – Finally, we build mutually supportive ecosystem that consistently produces irresistible offers, and how to ITERATE for reliable results.

In-person HicCups meetings

Our latest reinvention story, those regular events will be about sharing leadership stories on actual topics. Join us on Thursday 25th of April 2024, for our next unforgettable evening, exchanging with likeminded irreplaceable leaders how they deal with change and transformation.

Why should you decide to work with us?

You might have a business or work idea, but don’t know how to proceed. You don’t know if its going to work, if people will like it, or if it is even profitable? You want to learn how to influence your boss or stakeholders, how to deliver presentations, or create projects that lead to career growth and make a difference.

Whether you choose the Explorer, Entrepreneur or Warrior path, we can help you build and re-think and reinvent yourself, your business, and your organization into human and world value co-creators while generating genuine profits. We will show you how to blend profit with purpose and trust, and to add value to human lives in the process.

Because customer-centered organizations are 60% more profitable (according to Gallup) our goal is to involve your brain (cognitive skills), heart (emotions), and your power (action) to connect with your customer, clients, and stakeholders, to leverage your best ideas and activate collective intelligence.

Following a science-based process, you will co-create winning client experiences and differentiate yourself based on the value you offer to the world.

Why working with us?

You might have an idea, but don’t know how to proceed or if it’s going to work, if people will like it, or if it is even profitable?

You want to learn how to convince your boss or stakeholders, how to deliver presentations, or create projects that make a difference, leading to career growth.

We can help you RE-THINK yourself, your business, your organisation into a human and world value co-creators while generating genuine profits.

Because human-centered organisations are 60% more profitable (Gallup) our goal is to involve your brain (cognitive skills), heart (emotions), and your power (action) to connect with your clients, and stakeholders, to leverage your best ideas and activate collective intelligence.

Following a science-based process, you will co-create winning client experiences and differentiate yourself based on the value you offer to the world.

Finding your spark back?

We all have the same 24 hours in our day. No more, no less. With life obligations, personal or professional, we’ve forgotten why we do what we do. 

While time is our most valuable resource, we sometimes focus on the wrong things. It’s time to get a little bit of fun back and get excited with what’s coming!

You know you can do more, be more, and have more. You’re just not sure HOW and, you do not know WHAT precisely.

This journal is designed to help you find this spark and get more joy out of your day. 

Are you ready for the new beginning?


Stay informed of our latest hacks and opportunities. weinvolve is constantly running public events where you can experience the Me2We strategy. Join our community and we’ll keep you informed.


Stay informed of our latest hacks and opportunities. weinvolve is constantly running public events where you can experience the Me2We strategy. Join our community and we'll keep you informed.

© weinvolve